Friday, May 24, 2013

Free Coupons!

Yes. You read that correctly:

There is a stack - actually, SIX stacks - of P&G coupons in the middle of the aisle at the Epping Market Basket! 

I stopped my cart in the middle of the aisle and just stared at the stacks for a minute. Then I looked around like a suspicious shopper. THEN, I thought for sure they were a collection of last month's inserts that expire at the end of the month. So I picked one up and flipped through the pages - they expire at the end of JUNE! Jackpot!

I'm nearly felt like I was robbing the store... I grabbed four. Then I reconsidered... and grabbed five. ;)

Honestly, though. I've never seen anything quite like it. Snatch them up today before they're gone!


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